Central to my writing practice is the act of listening: listening to those who live in front-line climate changed communities, listening to Antarctica’s great glaciers as they go to pieces, listening to all those voices long locked out of environmental conversations. My work explores a couple of fundamental questions: what does our disassembling world ask of us? How can we continue to live and love while also losing much?
The New York Times
What Does Antarctica’s Disintegration Asks of Us?
This is Not the Way to Stop Homes from Flooding
“What Antarctica’s Melting Glaciers Taught Me About Motherhood”
Lit Hub
Searching for Women’s Voices in the Harshest Landscape on Earth
Elegant Remains: A Day in New York’s Largest Landfill
5 Questions for Elizabeth Rush, Author of Still Lifes from a Vanishing City
National Geographic
Here’s What Antartica’s Calving Glaciers Look Like Up Close
These Women are Changing the Landscape of Antarctic Research
The Marsh at the End of the World
The Guardian
Meet America’s New Climate Normal: Towns that Flood When it isn’t Raining
Rising Seas: “Florida’s About to be Wiped Off the Map”
The Atlantic
Can San Francisco Be Saved from the Sea?
Creative Nonfiction
Pacific Standard
The New Republic
Still Lifes from a Vanishing City
PUBLIC: A Journal of Imagining America
“Climate Change and the Stories We Tell: The Making of a Digital Archive in Rural Maine”
The Dark Mountain Project
The Skeleton of the Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana (anthologized)
Al Jazeera
Urban Omnibus
Leaving the Sea: Staten Islanders Experiment with Managed Retreat
The Storm that Will Be: Protecting Public Housing in the New 100-year Floodplain
Le Monde Diplomatique
Down on the Disappearing Bayou
Widening the Strand: Burma Returns to Market
How Not to Grow a New Town: Property Speculation Arrives in Lima’s Migrantvilles
Passing Through: India’s Border Fence with Bangladesh
A Room of Her Own: Portraits of Women’s Bedrooms in North Vietnam
Taking Place: Performance art in Burma
Juan Manuel Echavarría and the War We Have Not Seen
Podcasts and other Miscellany
“Organizing Amid Rising Tides” The Dig Podcast brought to you by Jacobin Magazine
“For Those Living by the Water’s Edge, it May Be Time to Move” in the Washington Post
“Burning Worlds with Elizabeth Rush” at the Chicago Review of Books
“Working Backwards with Elizabeth Rush” Episode 71 of the Creative Nonfiction Podcast
“When Climate Change Affects Livelihoods, Adapting Trumps Believing” in the Portland Press Herald